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Saturday, March 18, 2006

What's Inside His Mind?

What's actually inside the mind of this young man? He was speeding and then tried to escape from the police who chased him, crashed the first car, then hijacked a jeep, speeding again, run out of petrol, carjacked another van and finally shot dead or killed himself (I think it is more likely he was shot dead either by accident or intentionally by the undercover drug police).

One of the passengers inside the jeep which the young man hijacked said "he was desperate and didn't want to got to jail" but he pushed beyond the boundary so that the authorities had no other option but to shot him. It is so naive to think he could have escaped from the chase, especially when he was driving a car, which is very easy to spot from above by the police helicopter. The outcome might have been different had he been on a motorbike. I have seen how a motorbike rider could escape from a police chase, simply because the rider could get into a narrow passage between buildings (which is enough for a bike path but not a car, but this happened in Indonesia not in Australia though).

The "logical" thinking of people who committs a crime is not sensible. Take an example from the young man in the story above. Had he stopped after he got caught speeding in front of a car rental, he would not have been committing two more crimes (hijacking 2 cars and speeding) and more importantly he'd still be alive now. "Logic" says the punishment for doing 1 crime should be less than it is for 3 crimes. So, the easier option is clear.


Lili said...

Tayangan kriminal kayak gini mulai marak di setel di statiun2 TV swasta Indonesia.

Dan kejadian yg terjadi hampir mirip semua kayak ginih.

Sekarang aku lebih selektif nonton TV bahkan jarang2in ajah...asyikan nge-blog..ha..ha dijadikan alasan doang nih..

Minarwan (Min) said...

Emang kayaknya enggak baek buat anak-anak lho Mbak Lili. Jadi hati-hati saja mendingan selektif dalam memperbolehkan anak-anak menonton tivi.

Anonymous said...

dia kebanyakan main game ps2 need for speed - most wanted aja..... di situ memang gamenya jadi penjahat yang meloloskan diri dari kejaran beberapa mobil polisi, dan yg paling menegangkan kalau helikopter polisi udah datang. namanya game, ya bisa aja. but in real life?

Minarwan (Min) said...

Mas Aris ini kok tahu-tahunya ada game PS2 seperti itu yah? Saya sampe sekarang enggak bisa menguasai stick PS. Maen bola di PS melawan ponakan yang berumur 8 tahun saja saya selalu kalah 6-0 atau 8-0.

Omong-omong tentang permainan PS dan kejahatan, enggak cuman di PS saja lho. Ada teman yang suka bermain game bagaimana bertransaksi obat-obatan terlarang/drugs/segala macam jenis. Sejenis Drug Lord gitu. Kalau berhasil menang nanti pura-puranya uang di bank jadi berapa dollar milyar gitu.

Terus ada juga game baru yang katanya tentang pembuatan grafiti. Pemerintah Aussie sini melarangnya secara resmi baru-baru ini. Di Melbourne yang namanya tembok yang dilalui kereta, selalu ada grafitinya. Sampe pemerintah daerahnya "bofat", dihapus pasti muncul lagi, akhirnya dibiarin. Tapi kalo dikereta dan di stasiun masih mereka hapus.