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Monday, March 13, 2006

Is Picasso a "Thieve"?

Picasso "stole" his inspiration from African artists.
Click here to read.


B-a-r-r-y said...

I thought inspiration was something that personal for the artist himself, thus cannot be owned by the "inspirator".

Minarwan (Min) said...

I think they refer to some of Picasso's works which are "similar" to some sculptures (but we don't know how similar it is), therefore it is actually not original.

Lili said...

copycat is a natural things I guess.

Soalnya kadang2 kita gak tahu apakah karya kita udah pernah ada atwa bakal ditiru orang nantinya...jadi yah sah-sah ajah, asalkan nirunya jgn keterlaluan amat dan mengatasnamakan uang.

info terbaru, Dan Brown with is "Davinci Code" katanya hasil nyontek juga tuh proses research-nta...nah loh???

Minarwan (Min) said...

Betul katanya ide ceritnya enggak original. Malah menariknyasi penerbit kedua buku ini sama lho. Jadi sangat sulit mendebat tuduhan ini.