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Friday, March 03, 2006

Going Digital

Do you own a digital camera? Or have you planned to get one? Would you like to have one in the future?

Apart from mobile phone, digital camera and handycam are most likely at the top of personal's and family's wishlists nowdays. I think for those who like travelling and photography, a digital camera is very likely a "must-have".

It is understandable if people want to use a digital camera instead of the conventional one. A digital camera in average is most likely more expensive than the conventional one, however using a digital camera means better result regardless our photography skill. The camera can adjust things for us, what we need to do is choose a good scene to shoot, that's it! Obviously the pictures quality will depend on how good the camera used in taking the photos is, but if you have a good digital camera, the photos taken by amateur will look like the ones taken by the professionals.

The photographs stored within a digital camera can also be shared easily. Connect the camera to a computer, download the photos and send them by email to anywhere we like. The photos can even be manipulated by using softwares such as Photoshop or Photopaint.

With the world going for digital, all businesses related to producing photographs from conventional cameras need to change as well. Negative films are now not needed as much as they were a couple years ago. As the result of this drop in sales, some companies which produced negative films have to fire their employees, cut their cost of operations. In the past, we might often see Kodak and AGFA advertisements, but now what we see is Samsung or Sony.

The digital camera technology hit some conventional businesses very hard. Unfortunately, it is something they have to accept because the world want the latest technology.


Lili said...

Setuju, Ummi sok jadi photographer pro gara2 pake Digi..he.he.

BTW, aku pasang juga blog cak min di blogku yah, kemarin2 lupa tanya.

Minarwan (Min) said...

Emang bener Ummi, sekarang teman-teman cakmin aja banyak yang jadi suka fotografi, hunting obyek buat foto terus. Mungkin karena sekarang bisa membeli kameranya juga sih, soalnya waktu masih mahasiswa kan enggak bisa hihihi..:D

Rovicky Dwi Putrohari said...

Kalo mau beli kamera tengok dulu reviewnya di http://www.dpreview.com/

Minarwan (Min) said...

Bisa juga ke sini:

Yang tukang review malah sekarang sudah jadi professional blogger.